Cat's incredible journeys by Lesley O'Mara

Cat's incredible journeys by Lesley O'Mara

    Like birds, and indeed many animals, cats often show a remarkable capacity to find their way home from many, many miles away. Scientific explanation of this uncanny ability varies; however, it is thought that it involves some combination of their innate biological clock, the angle of the sun, and sensing the earth's magnetic field. Some notable cat travelers include:

    This feline traveled 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers) in fourteen months to be reunited with his owners who had moved to their new home in Oklahoma.

    In six months, Cookie traveled 550 miles (885 kilometers) back to her home in Chicago, in 1949, after she was shipped to Wilber, Nebraska.

    This plucky Persian traversed 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) of desert, rivers, and wilderness in the Australian outback to find his owner when she moved home.

    This cat pursued his owner all the way from Sandusky, Ohio, to the unknown territory of Orlando in Florida when he was left in the care of the owner's sister.

    In 1983, a black female cat called Buttons crawled under the hood of a neighbor's car and was not discovered until the driver stopped at a service station in Newcastle, Britain, six hours later. They were 280 miles (450 kilometers) from their home in Great Yarmouth. Luckily (and remarkably) the cat was unharmed and the driver continued his journey to Aberdeen with Buttons as a passenger. Upon their arrival, an airline that had heard their tale flew Buttons back to her owner free of charge.


    Tenacious Tom traversed the United States, traveling approximately 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers) from St. Petersburg in Florida to find his owners in their new home in San Gabriel, California. It took him just over two years and his journey is thought to be the longest by a cat on record.

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